Snow on Easter Sunday!
Woke up and looked out of our 'magic window" around 8am and there was a soft covering of snow on the pond and fountain. It was still falling and the cats couldn't go out, to their disgust. But they were very good and let us have another hour in bed. We hadn't got back from Bristol till 1am.
Hamlet at the Tobacco Factory was directed by Jonatahn Miller and was exceptionally clear and good in ensemble. The Hamlet himself was fine but not remarkable in the way Jonathan Slinger was at Stratford in the Histories. But the text was so clear throughout that it was possible, even after all this time and so many readings and viewings to have some new thoughts.
I agree with Yeats that Ophelia's mad scenes are actually unstageable. The actor, from Oxford School of Drama, made a good fist of it but the flowers were imaginary and Laertes' remark about how she turned all to prettiness was not applicable.
I made an Easter egg hunt before going to church and finished trimming the simnel cake when we got back, since Jess and James were cooking the lunch.
I haven't managed much Troubadour this week so shall try to catch up this afternoon.
I read a short story by Ceare Pavese and wrote an essay about Leonardo Sciascia. I heard Biber's Rosary sonatas, written for among other instruments, violins re-strung for each movement. I saw the last of the current episodes of Lewis, with Oxford looking beautiful; wish I'd seen the real thing in the snow.