City of Flowers proofs are here
Well, I didn't manage it from Massachussetts and we're now back home - have been for six days. I returned to the usual heaps of post, phone messages and e-mails, but was able to check and answer enough of these last while away not to be overwhelmed.
New York was amazing. A real emotional rollercoaster:
• Lunch with Bloomsbury USA and people from Publishing News, Barnes and Noble, School Library Journal etc.
• Meeting with Lauri Hornik at Penguin USA
• Sombre visit to Ground Zero
• Session in Brooklyn with 36 children's and young adult librarians plus 11 children, all black, with Sickle Cell Anaemia
• Boat trip round New York Harbour the night before the wedding
• Lunch at the fabulous Zen Palate vegetarian restaurant in Union square
• Dinner on the Upper East Side with Phyllis Fogelman and her husband Erwin Baker. Phyllis, now retired was the editor who took Amazing Grace at Dial
• The fabulous Metropolitan Museum of Art where I saw, bizarrely, an Andy Goldsworthy installation on the roof and met my (step) mother-in-law from England in the lift on the way down.
• Just living in Greenwich Village for a week
• Meeting Ben Thompson and his girlfriend Lydia. Ben is Sian Williams' son, an old friend from the 70s when she and her husband Glenn Thompson were starting the Writers and Readers Co-operative. He and Lydia are film-makers
• Avoiding the Republican Convention and buying anti-Bush memorabilia in the road next to ours
• Going to the hairdresser in twos while the other two sat in the Waverly diner. At one time there were all four of us in the diner and no-one in the hairdressers but they were trusting!
• My niece's wedding at Columbia University. She wore red with gold jewellery and looked fabulous. We five were all gussied up - shall post a picture on the website. A very happy occasion.
Then Boston and Plymouth, where we saw
• The Aquarium
• One Simone Martini and one by each Lorenzetti brother (all Crucifixions) in the Fogg Museum
• Two families of pilot whales on our whale watching trip (plus a humpback, a basking shark, a shoal of tuna and two ?bola-bolas ( a fish))
• Seals basking on the rocks while we breakfasted on the deck of our B&B on the ocean. Blue heron too.
• The Plimoth [sic] Plantation, a reconstructed Pilgrim Village
• Martha's Vineyard, which was surprisingly like a tourist stretch of Cornish coast - all cafes, shops and ice-cream parlours
• Dear friends on our last night in Boston
Then home and a day spent flying and a night not sleeping. But am over the jetlag quickly and just as well, since the page proofs have arrived for City of Flowers. It makes a hefty 496 pages and I have till 15th October to proofread it. All this week has gone on mail and on editing the next edition of Armadillo (
Have had a lovely e-maIL from a new fan who is going to design a dress and mask for Arianna for her AS in Textiles. I think I have the nicest fans in the world.
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